Job application form
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You must enter your Member Number or the e-mail address defined in the system. You can create your new password by clicking the link sent to your e-mail address. If you enter your phone number defined in the system, your member number and password will be sent to your phone as a message.
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Job application form

Personal Information
Driver❜s License Status
Do you have a contagious disease that you know or that prevents you from performing the duties of the position you applied for?
If yes, please explain:
Education status
(Please write starting from the school you last completed or attended.)
Any Courses, Trainings, Seminars and Conferences Attended
Job experience
Foreign Language Knowledge
Computer skills
Your Hobbies, Cultural and Sporting Activities
Your Job Request
People We Can Get References About You
(We strongly remind you of your responsibility to only share the data of those who have given consent to the sharing of their personal data)
Your Error Message
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